April 6th 2001


Welcome and apologies

Annual General Meeting held in the Chaplaincy Centre of Strathclyde University at 7pm.
Meeting chaired by Flavio Antionetti.
Apologies from Duncan Gow, spokesperson.

Election of Office Bearers

It was proposed by Sandy Birrell that that the positions stay the
same as last year. This motion was passed.

The following office bearers were elected:
Spokesperson - Duncan Gow
Assistant Spokesperson - Flavio Antonietti
Treasurer - Neal Michie
Public Relations - John Burns
Web Designer - Donald Millican

It was felt that the constitution should be posted on the web site.


No moderator required for the mailing list. Though the rules of no
HTML mails and asking before posting long IRC log files were agreed.

Web site fine although Assistant Spokesperson should write meeting reports.

Lottery Grant

The lottery grant application will continue as previously discussed.

Treasurer's Report

The accounts were passed. The group has £161.12

Any Other Competent Business

Public Relations.
Previous methods of raising the groups profile
were discussed, no decisions reached.

Meeting closed at 8pm.

If you have any comments or questions concerning this site,
then contact the Webmaster: Donald W Millican.
© GAUG 2001, Last updated 17/04/01